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DICOM Verification Service Class

The first important piece of functionality I need to implement is the DICOM Verification Service Class (sect. A of PS3.4). This is a simple feature so this post won't go into too much depth. This service is used to verify DICOM connectivity between application entities by using the C-ECHO message. This "DICOM ping" differs from a normal ping in that the Application Entity Title is included as well as the IP and port. Throughout my project, I will need to use emulated modalities to test functionality between clients and the PACS. By the end of the project deadline I will hopefully have implemented the REST based services which should allow me to pull scheduled procedures to my phone, acquire an image, and then push the image and associated procedure information back to the PACS. As I can't yet guarantee those features will be implemented for the submission I will instead (for now) opt to create a WPF application as the majority of my UI experience has been with this
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PACS - Introduction

For my final year project I am going to develop a PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System). This is a service intended for use in clinical networks to allow the sharing of patient information and associated examination artifacts generated from various modalities, e.g. x-ray machine, ultrasound, etc. As well as the service itself, I need to develop a workstation that will allow clinicians to view these exam artifacts. The service itself will use .NET Core in C# to allow cross-platform support. The workstation will then be developed as a web server using Core, allowing centralised installation and maintenance in an institution. My basic implementation is going to use the original DICOM services based on TCP communication to handle the storage and retrieval of images, as well as scheduling patient procedures via modality worklist. Once major functionality is completed I will then begin implementing the new DICOMweb standard to allow communication with the service through a RE